New Yorks Metropolitan Museum of Art opened in 1929 with only eight paintings and a drawing, they now have over 100,000
Unusual for his time Leonardo was a vegetarian. He loved animals,apparently he bought caged birds just to set them free
Andy Warhol Shot
In 1968 Andy Warhol and art critic & curator Mario Amaya were shot by Valerie Solanas, a woman well known to them both
Andy Warhol died
In 1987 Andy Warhol died aged 58 after a routine operation. Things pointed to Andy being weak due to being shot in 1968
The original meaning of 'cartoon' was a preliminary drawing that could be the basis of a design for a fresco or painting.
Aboriginal art
Aboriginal art is one of the oldest art forms in the world. Some carvings and paintings date back 30,000 years.
Records show that Michelangelo suspended his artwork from 1527 to 1529 to defend the Republic of Florence.
'Pieta' a depiction of Jesus Christ on the lap of mother Mary is the only work that was signed by Michelangelo.
Picasso's Le Rêvethe
In 2006 Steve Wynn agreed to sell Picasso's Le Rêvethe for $139 million but he accidentally put his elbow through the canvas
At the tender young age of 9, Picasso completed his first painting, Le picador, a man riding a horse in a bullfight.
Michelangelo died 18th Feb 1564 aged 88. He was the first western artist whose biography was published while he was alive.
largest painting in the world
At 410 x 70 feet high The Battle of Gettysburg is the largest painting in the world painted by Paul Philippoteau & 16 assistants
The Mona Lisa
On August 21st 1911 someone stole the most famous painting in the world from the Louvre, The Mona Lisa.It was found December 1913
Michelangelo was strong contender for the title, Renaissance Man, he was also known as II Divino, that means 'the divine one'.