Private Commission
I'm working on several commissions at the moment, for some reason commissions seem to be very popular currently for my artwork. I would say, over the last year seventy five percent of my work seems to be commissions. This is quite a high percentage for an artist and I have been trying to work out why this could be.

Although I'm just about to start painting another collection, I have not painted a full collection for some time now. The less work you have to show, the less choice people have, that could be one reason. If you like my style and want one but can't find what you are looking for, commissions are a perfect solution. I do not charge any extra for commissions, they are my standard gallery prices, this makes sense for people wanting to buy if they can't find what they want.
I think one of the big reasons is what I paint, which is music. Music is a personal thing, I get a lot of people asking me to paint a certain musical piece or a musical artist. I think this is why commissions are so popular, collectors get something personal to them in the form of the music it is painted to. I believe this gives a core connection with them and the artwork, this is why I think commissions are so popular. Here is the latest commission deliverd and installed this month (Aug 2014), I had a very happy collector on my hands when it hit the walls! :)